Pest Control

Specialized Pest Control Plans Succeed!

We offer specialized pest control programs for the control of rats, mice, fleas and ticks, mosquitoes, nuisance animals, moles, ants carpenter ants, as well as yard and turf pest control. Extreme Pest Management Services will always place your home and family first: We use only low-odor products for residential pest control. For chemically-sensitive customers (or anyone interested in a more environmentally friendly approach to pest control), we also offer organic pest control plans as an alternative.
General Service Plan

Our General Service Plan provides control of the most common crawling insects and arthropods, such as:

American Cockroaches, sometimes called “waterbugs” or “Palmetto bugs”
Oriental Cockroaches
Millipedes and Centipedes
Carpet Beetles
Sowbugs and Pillbugs

The General Service Plan consists of a thorough treatment of the exterior of the structure with special attention to the entry ways, windows, garage, and other areas where pests typically enter homes; along with inspection and treatment of all rooms inside the house.

CALL US AT  214-649-1202

More Pest Control Tips and Information:


Carpenter Ants.

Appearance: Carpenter ants are among the largest ants, ranging from 1/4- to 3/8-inch long. Most carpenter ants are black, but some have reddish or yellowish coloration.

Habitat: Found outdoors and indoors in moist, decaying wood.

Other: Regardless of the age or type of construction, all buildings are vulnerable to infestation and damage by carpenter ants. They are very difficult to control since colonies can contain up to 50,000 workers.


House Fleas.

Appearance: Fleas are small, wingless and 1/12- to 1/6-inch long. Up close they are covered in spines with piercing, biting mouthparts.

Habitat: Dog and Cat areas, beds, couches, sofa, luggage.

Diet: Larvae feed on organic waste and the feces of adult fleas containing undigested blood.  Gross!

Other: Their powerful legs allow them to jump up to a foot easily. Fleas carry germs and disease to human and animal victims.


Mice and Rats.

Appearance: The adult house mouse is small and slender and about 1-2 inches long. The field mouse has big ears, pointed nose and small eyes. Fur color varies between a light grey or brown usually.

The common rat or “roof rat” is much larger with long tails. Popular in movies.   They are agile, and extremely good climbers.

Habitat: House mice live in and around homes, farms, commercial establishments, as well as in open fields and agricultural lands.

Roof rats live in almost any corner that provides cover and supply to water. Warehouses, sheds, attics etc…

Other: House mice contaminate food sources with their saliva and feces, and damage structural materials, including wood, fiberglass, insulation, etc. and will pose a fire hazard if chewing on electrical wiring.  Sometimes they get zapped in the process but you still have a problem that needs to be resolved.


Appearance: Dark brown body and are about 3/4-inch long with three dark bands on the head and thin antennae.

Habitat: House crickets normally live outdoors in garbage dumps, but will move indoors when it gets colder usually in late summer. Adults are very attracted to lights, and become active at night.  They tend to live in colonies and will commute to adjacent buildings.  The colony may not be on your property so finding the source is important.

Diet: Can feed on a wide variety of fabrics, foods and paper products.

Other: House crickets can destroy clothing etc..

Cockroach – Palmetto Bug.

Appearance: The Palmetto bug, also called a “water bug”or the “American Cockroach“, is the largest structure-infesting species that can be almost 3 inches long. They have Reddish/brown coloring with whiskers.

Habitat: Prefers warm, damp areas. These freaks come out at night but are also spotted in the daytime.

Diet: Scavengers that eat almost anything.

Wasps, Bees and Hornets.

Appearance: Wasps have smooth bodies, as opposed to bees that have hairy bodies.  Hornets have large bodies with striped stingers.  Carpenter bees are another type of bee known for digging holes in wood, hence the name.

Habitat: Bees and wasps will build nests in many places. Usually, the area must be protected, such as a tree hollow, under an eave, underground, in the walls of a building, sheds, parks, etc.

Diet: Mostly feed on pollen from flowers.

Other: Most bee species have the ability to sting. For people with bee allergies the sting can be fatal.

Extreme would like to offer simple tips to help us help you with preventing bugs and termites from invading your home and business:

  • Do not accumulate trash around your property.
  • Cover trash cans properly.
  • Good caulking and sealing reduces possible bug entry points.
  • Check for moisture damaged wood. These are clues to problem areas.
  • Check drainage and rain gutters.
  • Food left out spreads the scent and will attract ants and other bugs that need to be controlled.

CALL US AT  214-649-1202 to schedule service and inspections.